Command & Control

A man sitting at a desk with a laptop and two computer monitors.

Enhancing & Integrating

IS4S enables collaboration and coordination among emerging technical solutions by integrating or enhancing command and control (C2). We prototype next generation C2 capabilities that better inform operators and client systems while reducing cognitive load. Our integration efforts to connect C2 with a broader system of systems help identify and define integration pathways to build more informative common operating pictures (COPs) or serve information to client systems. 

Our teams have supported, developed, integrated, and fielded numerous C2 systems for the Army and Air Force such as JBC-P, IBCS, FAAD C2, and MEDUSA. 

Over-the-shoulder shot of a man working at a desk. On his computer screens we can see a visualization of a satellite in space and non-specific data.

Satellite C2 Ground Systems 

We are supporting the building of ground systems performing satellite command and control. Our team is specifically working on telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C), satellite/constellation management, modeling and simulation, and rendezvous proximity operations and docking. 

Let’s talk Command & Control.

We offer C2 solutions out of multiple office sites. Give us a little detail about your project needs and we’ll get you in touch with the best suited team.