Timing Fusion System
Robust Precision Timing Integrity
The Timing Fusion System is a unique precision time integrity instrument that takes as inputs one or more sources of precision time (both free-running, uncoordinated clocks and clocks coordinated to a time system, such as UTC), and generates one or more precision timing outputs. This approach allows for true fusion of clock inputs, where all are used, rather than just the selection of one input. It also enables advanced timing integrity approaches to be implemented in a way that is not possible with a GPS-disciplined oscillator.
Timing Fusion System software is not proprietary. The algorithms can be modified to achieve your unique needs. Whatever performance is required, the Timing Fusion System provides robust and resilient precise time and frequency to downstream systems. Guaranteed contamination free.
Configuration Options
Standard Kit
Internal: GPS 1PPS, OCXO
For users who want a minimal set of clocks to get started.
Standard + GNSS
Internal: GPS 1PPS, OCXO
External: GNSS 1PPS*
For users who want pre-configured additional clocks in the timing fusion solution.
Standard + CSAC
Internal: GPS 1PPS, OCXO
External: CSAC
For users who want pre-configured additional clocks in the timing fusion solution.
Standard + CSAC + Galileo
Standard message formats are essential for interoperability. All types of PNT sensors and components from one system platform are easily shared or re-used in another.
*GNSS 1PPS comes pre-configured for Galileo, but receiver can be configured to use any/all GNSS signals (GPS, Glonass, Galileo, Beidou).
Boasting multiple flexible and configurable inputs and independent outputs
Out of the Box
The Timing Fusion System will fuse together all of the included clocks, following the software-defined timing (SDT) approach, to generate the 1PPS (pulse per second)/10MHz and second 1PPS outputs, plus the following messages over USB:
Time-of-day message (NMEA format)
Custom time-of-day message, including UNIX time and output 1PPS covariance (accuracy) information
Timing Inputs & Outputs
Box features 6 PPS inputs (either 50 Ohm or High Z)
2 10MHz sine wave inputs
GPS active antenna input
*Not all inputs are used for configuration options listed
Coherent 10 MHz/1PPS output
1PPS: (2V, 50 Ohm)
10 MHz: (3V, 50 Ohm)
Second 1PPS output (2V, 50 Ohm)
Software is preconfigured to fuse selected set of clocks “out-of-the-box.”
All software is provided and can be subsequently modified by you to accomplish your specific purposes.
Serial Communication
4 USB-A ToD Serial inputs
2 USB-C ToD Serial outputs
NMEA style, GPZDA ToD messages
Standard Ethernet port for SSH and LCM communication
System Reference Clock (Internal)
10 MHz sine wave Taitien NI-10M-2502 OCXO clock
Additional Info
Requires 12V 2A (power supply provided)
Dimensions and weight: 19.5 cm x 14 cm x 6.5 cm, 3lb
28 dB Gain Basic Active GPS Antenna operating at 1575.42 MHz using 3-5V DC
Connections on the system are BNC excluding GPS antenna which is SMA
System runs on Xilinx Arty Z7 FPGA
ESD resistant aluminum housing
Order Your Timing Fusion System Today
Reach out to our team for more information about pricing and availability, or contact timing.devkit@is4s.com