A man in an IS4S-branded polo holding a warhead.

Accelerating the Pace

The establishment of our Atlanta site was driven by a desire to not only build innovative, life-saving technologies for our military, but to also accelerate the pace of getting those technologies into the warfighter’s hands.    

Our primary area of expertise is a robust blend of computational and experimental physics, allowing us the unique, end-to-end ability to perform experimental physics supported by system-level modeling and computational physics modeling. Our work includes solid mechanic simulations, fluid mechanic simulations, and energetic and reactive materials.   

We are a group that works hard, approaches problems creatively, and is highly motivated by our shared purpose.   

Integrated Solutions

  • High Strain Rate Solid Mechanics

    Multi-Phase, Reactive Flows

    Penetration / Impact Mechanics

    Blast Simulations

    Fluid Dynamics

    Life Cycle & Fatigue

    Structural Integrity for Flight Certification

    Warhead Survivability

    Fragmentation & Lethality

    Physics-Based Modeling & Simulation

  • Energetics Research


    Reactive Materials

    Equation of State Development & Diagnostics

    Experimental Physics

    Materials & Systems Development & Performance Characterization

    Thermites & Intermetallics

    Energetic Material Test Diagnostics

    Blast / Fragment Performance Testing

    Detonation Physics & Performance Testing

  • Physics-Based Simulation Software

    Embedded Software

    Flight Control Software 

  • Additive Manufacturing (AM) for Warhead Design

    AM-Enabled Design

    Rapid Prototyping

    AM Material Characterization

    AM Part Simulation

    AM-Enabled Geometry for Structural Integrity

    High Strain Rate AM Applications

    AM-Enabled Reactive Materials

    High-Strength AM Metals

    Iterative Digital Fabrication & Evaluation

  • Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

    Dynamic System Simulations

    Digital Engineering (DE)

  • Weapons Open Systems Architecture (WOSA)

    Weapons Open Communications Architecture (WOCA)

    Weapons Government Reference Architecture (GRA)

Our Work

Atlanta Leadership

Lindsey Thornhill headshot.

Lindsey Thornhill, Ph.D.

Executive Vice President

Clay Trammel headshot.

Clay Trammell

Associate Vice President

  • Clay Trammell has two decades of experience developing munitions for the U.S. Department of Defense, with a focus on design and analysis to support weapon flight qualification. He leads the computational physics modeling and simulation group at IS4S, with capabilities including finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), penetration mechanics, and blast physics.  

    Clay is well-versed in design criteria for airborne stores and the aircraft-store interface, and has led engineering efforts to assess the structural integrity of a number of new Air Force weapons. Each of those efforts resulted in Air Force SEEK Eagle Office flight clearance and certification recommendations and successful flight testing. He also has expertise in integrating additive manufacturing-enabled technologies into existing traditionally manufactured weapons for enhanced performance and improved reliability.  

    Clay earned his Bachelor and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has co-authored over 20 published papers and has been invited to present his work at several conferences.  

Brett Blazer headshot.

Brett Blazer

Associate Vice President

  • Brett Blazer serves as the site lead at the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Advanced Weapons Experimentation Facility (AWEF) located at Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) in Florida, where IS4S is the onsite research and development contractor. He is a program manager and oversees a team of researchers that design, build, and test developmental warheads to characterize ballistic, blast, and fragmentation performance. This includes warheads for air-to-air targets, maritime targets, buildings and bunkers, ground vehicles, and other targets.    

    Prior to his work at Eglin AFB, Brett worked for Jacobs at the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) at Tyndall AFB in Florida. At both locations, he has specialized in the design and execution of blast and ballistic testing for customers including the Air Force, Army, Navy, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and the U.S. Department of State. In addition to advanced weapons concepts, he has supported the Air Force in the development of ground-based support equipment and protective structures for aircraft. Brett has over 25 years of engineering experience, including the past 15 years as a defense contractor for the Air Force. He has both Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in materials engineering from Auburn University. 

John Rogers headshot.

John Rogers, Ph.D.

Senior Technical Fellow

  • Dr. John Rogers is a senior technical fellow and chief scientist at our Atlanta site. Since joining IS4S in 2015, he has primarily focused on the development and testing of novel explosives and reactive energetic materials to obtain enhanced blast effects in advanced warheads.   

    While a student at Auburn University, John began working with the U.S. Air Force as an AFRL graduate fellow. During that time, he conducted research and developed specialized diagnostics for a hypervelocity electromagnetic propulsion system (rail gun). Following graduate school, John joined SAIC where he worked on several different weapon systems and technologies including shock-induced combustion (ramjet engine), intelligent munitions (AP munition alternatives), counter-WMD warhead development, and new energetic materials for enhanced blast. The customers for these weapon systems included AFRL, DTRA, Army, Air Force, and DARPA.  

    John earned his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D. in Physics at Auburn University. His contributions have helped R&D programs earn honors including the Wright Laboratory Scientific Achievement Award and a nomination for DARPA’s Sustained Performance Award. He has authored more than 20 government technical reports and holds two patents.   

Van Le headshot.

Van Le

Senior Technical Fellow

  • Van Le, M.S., has been at IS4S for the past 10 years as a research engineer, specializing in blast modeling and simulations, computational analysis models, and target structural damage models. Van’s background is in civil engineering and computer science, and he has served as technical manager for various research projects funded by AFRL, ARL, and NRL.

    Prior to joining IS4S, Van worked as a senior principal engineer at SAIC, where he held various positions as project team lead. He worked in many technical fields including software development in embedded systems using open-source technologies with micro kernels.

    Van is recognized as a senior technical fellow and currently works at the Atlanta office.

Koby Kennison headshot.

Koby Kennison

Senior Technical Fellow

  • Koby Kennison has over twenty years of experience serving as a research engineer for SAIC and IS4S at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Advanced Warhead Experimentation Facility (AWEF) at the Eglin Air Force Base (AFB).

    Koby has operated in the role of test engineer in many projects, including for the rock penetration program for AFRL/DTRA and also for the Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP), the DTRA rock penetration, and the ERDC hard target research at AWEF on Eglin. He was also test engineer for the Space and Missile Command (SMC) penetrator research program for AFRL and for fragment impact munitions sensitivity testing for the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD). He is performing research and development of agent defeat technologies for DTRA and supporting other projects at Eglin.  

    Prior to beginning at Eglin, Koby worked at MacDill AFB with a group of multi-disciplinary engineers to build an electromagnetic radiation shield for a U.S. Navy ship.  

    Koby is recognized as an IS4S senior technical fellow. 

Atlanta Careers

Join us in our mission to solve complex problems of national importance in an environment where doing the right thing is more important than profit, and in a company fully owned and operated by ethical, motivated employees.   

Check out our active job openings to apply! 

Contact Us

Atlanta Site Address

2400 Herodian Way SE
Suite 380
Smyrna, GA 30080