Air Force Weapons Pitch Day 2022

The IS4S team at the Air Force Weapons Pitch Day 2022 holding up a large poster check.

IS4S is incredibly grateful to win first-ever “hat trick” at Air Force Weapons Pitch Day 2022.  

At the 2022 Air Force Weapons Pitch Day, IS4S pitched and won an unprecedented 3 awards! No other company has ever accomplished this before. The three direct-to-Phase 2 SBIR awards totaled $5.5M and covered the following topic areas: long range kill chain digital model, low-cost decoy, and resilient software-defined radio for PNT. The Air Force Weapons Pitch Day consisted of a 5-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A period. This year, the Air Force received over 70 pitch topic proposals and down selected to 21 topics from 18 companies across the United States. In total, 14 companies won awards up to $1.83M each. IS4S was the only company to win multiple awards. 


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