AFRL Ephemeral Security Phase II
Auburn, AL
In this work, an ephemeral security technique for keying military GPS receivers will be developed. This work will not modify the existing GPS cryptographic structure, but rather develop an overlay for providing keying information to a receiver in a manner that makes all security information ephemeral, eliminating the permanent storage of CPI within the receiver. Existing and emerging battlefield networks will be leveraged to provide a method of securely distributing keys to a GPS receiver. This technique requires a security overlay over the tactical or strategic communication network where the security overlay will provide access control based on advanced key distribution, mutual authentication, location-based access, and biometric techniques. The security overlay will provide secure transmission of encrypted, black keys to military receivers through all types of tactical or strategic communication networks, including mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). Additionally, the concept of operations (CONOPS) and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) needed to support the ephemeral overlay technology will be explored.