Electromagnetic Warfare

A man standing in the woods wearing a camo vest and holding a small black device in his hands.

Support, Protect, & Attack

IS4S develops innovative solutions across all three electromagnetic warfare (EW) pillars—support, protect, and attack—from science & technology (S&T) concepts to transitioned capabilities. Our systems can sense and control the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS), particularly around the position, navigation, and timing (PNT) bands, using adaptable software-defined solutions. Our understanding of the EW domain drives creative electromagnetic protection mechanisms implemented within custom solutions or wrapped around existing components. Our solutions enable EW and PNT situational awareness (SA) and situational understanding (SU) within mission planning and command systems. 

A man sitting at a desk next to a rack with a lot of technical equipment on it including a screen with a non-specific chart on it.

Communications Systems

We specialize in the development of decentralized and cognitive EW systems that can be deployed in novel ways to deliver non-kinetic effects as part of a combined multi-domain maneuver concept. With decentralized EW, we place capability at the forward edge while considering technology insertion within more complex systems. 

Force Electronic Attack Radio (FEAR) 

FEAR presents a new and novel approach to conducting electronic attack through low-SWaP (size, weight, and power) devices which can deliver a variety of non-kinetic effects on the battlefield. FEAR decentralizes electronic attack capability by providing modular and scalable capability to deliver complex attacks on adversary systems. 

Let’s talk Electromagnetic Warfare.

We offer electromagnetic warfare solutions out of multiple office sites. Give us a little detail about your project needs and we’ll get you in touch with the best suited team.