Precise PNT
IS4S is a leader in the development of systems that provide precise position, navigation, and timing (PNT) capabilities.
We do this through open system modular digital architectures using the latest global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers and accurate inertial measurement units (IMUs) while leveraging alternate navigation solutions when GNSS capabilities are contested or denied.
Assured PNT
Our team has both a deep understanding of the current state of assured PNT development and a keen eye on evolving future needs. We are always looking for new, cost-effective assured PNT solutions that can be leveraged to provide reliable information to our warfighters.
Our solutions are built on modular frameworks that incorporate various navigation modes to provide high-availability, high-integrity PNT throughout multiple domains, including ground, air, and space. We incorporate a layered defense against interference to protect the PNT solution through anti-jam processing, signal processing, encryption, and integrity monitoring. Our support of new PNT initiatives is driving waveform design and development to demonstrate accurate, available, next-generation PNT.
Assured Precision Time
Precision time is increasingly important for both the DoD and for civil infrastructure, and it is important to have timing systems that are robust and immune to outages and threats. IS4S has developed a precision timing architecture called software defined timing which enables fusion of multiple clocks and time sources, as well as advanced integrity algorithms that are not possible to implement with a classic GPS-disciplined oscillator approach to timing. This is an open architecture approach with swappable components that can be tailored to the specific mission/requirements set of any particular system.
GPS/GNSS Integrity
We have a deep understanding of the present-day threat to GPS and GNSS, from simple privacy devices used by truckers to sophisticated electronic warfare attacks employed by state actors. Our team develops software and hardware solutions that integrate with a wide range of critical infrastructure and tactical platforms to detect, characterize, and protect against GNSS threats. Our modular, open architecture solutions scale effortless to support a wide range of integration depths and performance requirements.
Advanced Complementary PNT
In order to ensure the resilience of a PNT solution, it is often necessary to incorporate complementary PNT approaches to augment the commonly-used GPS/INS solution found in many systems. We have extensive experience in a wide variety of complementary PNT approaches, including vision navigation, magnetic field navigation, navigation using signals of opportunity, baronav, terrain-aided navigation, and between-aircraft relative navigation. Using our modular approaches, we can rapidly integrate complementary PNT capabilities into systems.
PNT Modular Architectures
Our modular system architectures (MOSAs) enable cooperative development of PNT sensor fusion systems that incorporate technology from multiple vendors and organizations. By standardizing interfaces between sensors and sensor fusion systems, and also standardizing the application programming interface (API) of the sensor fusion software itself, sensors and algorithms developed by different vendors can be rapidly integrated into a single system. The end result of this MOSA approach is lowered cost of sensor fusion system development and rapid modification and enhancement of deployed systems.
We developed pntOS, a Department of Defense (DoD) open-source architecture, which uses a plugin-based design to host customer-defined alternative navigation capabilities. pntOS features the community-developed ASPN data message standard. Standard message formats make all plugins, including government off-the-shelf (GOTS), community shared, and proprietary, individually swappable without the need for modification.
Rapid PNT Prototyping
Transitioning solutions out of science and technology (S&T) projects is a critical need. We have extensive experience in developing testbed platforms which allow for the maturation and validation of S&T concepts. The primary focus of these platforms is to enable rapid experimentation, tradespace analysis, and transition of theoretical solutions into working prototypes at a high technology readiness level (TRL). Our testbeds are designed to prove out anything from pure software solutions to working hardware prototypes, with a particular focus on PNT systems with novel sensor suites.
Let’s talk PNT.
We offer PNT solutions out of multiple office sites. Give us a little detail about your project needs and we’ll get you in touch with the best suited team.