Open Systems Architectures

Open & Modular
Open systems architectures are the backbone of IS4S’s software development efforts. We routinely utilize Linux/Windows, Robot Operating System - Military (ROS-M), Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK), and many industry-standard architectures such as MIL-1553 communications, Controller Area Network (CAN), Ethernet, and others.
We emphasize modularity and open systems architectures in our development of systems and software architectures. We utilize model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approaches to maximize interface definition and data definitions via interface definition languages (IDLs) and interface control documents (ICDs) and to maximize exchange of proper information without proprietary pieces, which allows for easy changing of components and subsystems. Isolation of complex functions via well-defined fire control algorithms also helps to segregate the components to avoid inadvertent coupling across interfaces.
IS4S has served as a Weapon Government Reference Architecture (Weapons GRA) consortium member for over two years which includes the Weapon Open Systems Architecture (WOSA) as a primary design authority. In this role, we have provided recommendations on improving the WOSA for wider adoption, reviewed changes in a test environment, and provided feedback from our own implementation of the WOSA model on IS4S programs such as enterprise test vehicle (ETV) and common munitions software-defined radio (cMSDR). Our experience with the WOSA consortium has enabled IS4S to develop a GRA for embedded GPS/INS systems on the R-EGI program.
Our Aberdeen team is located directly outside of Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), which is the headquarters of the Army Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Cyber Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance (C5ISR) Center. The C5ISR Center is home to the Army’s C5ISR Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS), and our team supports both CMOSS and sensor open systems architecture (SOSA) developmental efforts through systems engineering, integrating, and testing.
Let’s talk Open Systems Architectures.
We offer open systems architecture solutions out of multiple office sites. Give us a little detail about your project needs and we’ll get you in touch with the best suited team.